happy family, carl haebe, aquarell - 21 x 32  cm 


two thailand  not african  elephants painting by  pavadee nad carl haebe 

 50 x 60 cm acryl on canvas 


        carl haebe oil on canvas  - phantom der oper -

hamburg germany - 1 x 1 meter


room people exhibition, san francisco-, aquarell , 14 x 21 cm,  by carl haebe 


buddhapavadee buabarn 

inside tempel  thailand before marry 


  pavadee buabarn and carl haebeaprivate artnet gallery

  music und painting video                             

         tauchen sie ein in die herrliche welt von kunst und music-enjoy it      story9


painting is love  comeback       two face 10  aquqarell  22 x 32 cm carl haebe

music is lovelokomotive . thailand buddha tempel in mountain  , two rabbits in very love  print - linolschnitt-  relax   liegendeblau 23 x 33 cm , .

 hometown ,acryl- oil-  eitempera -gold on paper, 2005-2006

.a little bit bigger  40 x 40 cm - pavadee buabarn  

 introduction     pomrakhun   artist   pavadee buabarn absolvent- academy of fine arts bangkok thailand- 

 thai art gallery.               

   wundervolle malerei , schlafzimmer     wohnzimmerkueche

  office    praxis    sound   beschallung   abspecken   reales          

                                                                          bewegtes herz - heart move

 oil-acryl leinwand30 x 40 cm , look new version

happy art

 herzen    oil paint by carlo haebe .   sanfrancisco   


 baum herz gold       the golden tree  


 atelier pavadee buabarn  fisch dance, 120 x 80 cm


deep blue    100 x 80 cm,  history          mamutempel


                more from us - viele bilder und music in www.baby-music.de  

 - art and music, carl haebe kunst 

  sekt 3               


two elephantswahre liebe  true love aquarell  


       beachvolleyball ,50 x 60 cm , acryl painting by carlohaebe 

 music relax      info     sleeping    snake

fish   deep in love    happynewyear   inhalt    

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